Dear everyone,
it is with joy and pride we can now announce you the dates of the first Youth Workers Mobility taking place in our Kingdom!
What ?
14 day Training ( co-financed by Erasmus+ ) “Joyce’full melting pot”
Who ?
For Youth Workers of any age living in Greece, France, Belgium, Lithuania or Bulgaria
On the magical mountain of the beautiful island of Skiathos, Greece, in our newborn farm, Joy’ce Kingdom
When ?
April 21st to May 05th 2022
(+ 2 Travel days before and 2 after if “Green” means of travel used, 1 Travel days before and 1 after in any other case )
Accomodation ?
Free camping style, in the nature, in tents for 5-8 persons, compost toilets, camping showers
How to arrive ?
We will encourage and help you (financially and practically) to travel in a green way. We will help you find the best way to arrive here and Erasmus+ will finance your way here for 2 days (per trip) if you travel in a sustainable way, for 1 day if you chose a less ecologic way. (More details to come)
What will happen ?
The Joyce’full melting pot training course consists in a 14-day immersion experience in a multicultural group that will experience life in a newborn, wannabe permaculture and regenerative agriculture farm. It will take place in the island of Skiathos, Greece from the 21st of April to the 5th of May 2022 and will gather 30 people (youth workers and leaders) from Greece, Romania, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Belgium.
These will be mostly members of the partner organisations and/or members of civil society organisations that run mobility projects dealing with permaculture, agroforestry or sustainable development, interested in developing social, cultural and ecological projects, intercultural education and youth participation in a nearby future. The age, gender and cultural context will be diverse and will depend on the country of origin, aiming nevertheless at maintaining gender equality if possible.
During the 4 first days, we will infuse storytelling, singing, dancing and playing with the spirit of freedom, permaculture, compassionate communication (based on Marshall Rosenberg’s nonviolent communication), positive framing, sociocracy (collective decision-making), personal response-ability, awareness, participatory leadership, agile learning, composting, upcycling…and whatever else comes up in order to connect our community.
The rest of the training will be a mix of theory and practice of different kind of Natural building techniques using wood, stones, clay and other material found onsite. The pic point will be the building of the “main square” of the farm and its bench.
A few intercultural moments will be shared as the participants will discover Skiathos’ local Easter traditions and 2 days will be dedicated to connect with local nature (with an excursion to the beach while foraging plants in the forest) and to the local community (with a party).
Who are the trainers/facilitators ?

Kompostina (Tina Lymberis): Eco-artistic story-teller and tribe-builder
“I love living among people who are having fun and doing what they love! Since permaculture gave me the tools to achieve this in my own life, I started spreading it through my blog, the translation of a permaculture guide, a musical theatrical called Kompostopia and through facilitating tribe-building experiences in Greece. My toolkit for guiding groups along their personal, social and environmental evolution includes Compassionate Communication, Permaculture, Sociocracy, Agile Learning, the Transition Movement, the Art of Hosting and the most primitive tools of social bonding: singing, dancing and playing! More background info here.”

Andreas Papachristou, member of the Stagones Social Cooperative (Natural Building and Organic Farming) and initiator of the Hara-Goe project, an educational, cultural and artistic hub on Evia island, Greece.
“When I decided to live close to nature, natural building for creating a shelter for me and my family was the obvious choice. Not only because of the many advantages (low imprint, use of local, organic materials, creation of healthy and friendly living spaces) but also because we valued the process of imagining, designing and constructing our home with the help of our friends. When people are able to build homes and cultivate food, they are regaining strength and meaning. In that aspect, natural building is extending beyond the obvious of the practical, to realms of self-knowledge and collectivity. This is something I like to point out during the workshops I give and it is always reflected in the dynamic of the group.”
Who is part of the consortium?
Greek participants will be selected by and represent two organisations, Joyce ‘n’ Fun and Stagones.
Belgian participants will be selected by and represent Les débris-colleurs . Degré 47
French participants will be selected by and represent sChOoL🤸 with OuT frOnTiers!⛵️
Lithuanian participants will be selected by and represent Tavo Europa
Bulgarian participants will be selected by and represent WalkTogether
How much does it cost ?
The training is co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, giving you the opportunity to come for a symbolic 60€
How do I apply ?
By filling THIS FORM before the 15th of March.
What about the kids ?
Participants have to be over 18 years old but if you want to come with your child, sibling, cousin or friend who is under 18, let us know in your application and we will find the best way to make it happen!
What is very important to me is to create a kids friendly framework, and by that I mean to explain to the participants that their children are welcome to join them and what does this entail in terms of cost.
Fingers crossed, if I am selected, I will be visiting with my 2 boys and I want to investigated the possibility of My husband joining us, since he can take time off work for Easter holidays.
It is important to share that my kids can roam any farm or land all day without needing my support in any way, they reappear just to eat when they’re hungry, and sleep when they’re tired. It will be very good it the kids that will be staying with us over this period, have the same level of autonomy and are familiar with rural environments. Funny we discuss that, as it should be taken for granted that children are well connected with the natural world… Thank you for being so wonderful!!!
Thank you very much Tina <3
I added a point concerning the children and we will also of course discuss it when the time comes !